I threw back to school parties for the kids! I did three separate parties, one for MerriLyn, one for Brisbane, and one for Adle. I still don't know how I did it. At the parties, the girls made cute little flowers and the boys played on the pirate ship. I made chicken salad sandwiches for MerriLyn's party, cupcakes for Brisbane's and chicken skewers for Adle's. It was tiring. the parties started calm, but when Adle's came around things went wild, as you can see by the pictures.
Okay. I have not been blogging for almost a year. I am finally on because Adle told me we need to blog. The first day of school was great! MerriLyn and Brisbane are at Taylor Elementary school while Adle and I are at Snowflake Jr. High. Lily gets dropped off at the babysitter's house MerriLyn has Mr. Rodgers for her 3rd grade teacher. Brisbane has Mrs. Birtcher for 2nd grade, who happened to be his preschool teacher. Adle has 8 teachers and I am one of them. Bart and I have gotten cute pictures of MerriLyn and Brisbane. Of course Adle's picture is on my phone. I hope the school year goes good. Go LOBOS!!!!
When first started blogging last August, I thought, "This is easy. I can do it all the time!" Little did I know that I would let life get ahead me and our computer would not always cooperate. I will try to catch-up- 6 months later- and check out your blogs, too! Hey, I am on Spring Break and will put it to good use.
We threw a Halloween party for our kids and their friends. It was fun, but tiring because it was our first slumber party for the older girls. Adle was in charge of taking pictures and sadly, we did not get one of her in costume. We must remedy that!
Yes, I threw together a costume for school and this is the result. Many of my students asked me what I was. I, in turn, asked them what they thought I was. The answers ranged from Brittany Spears to Diva.Hmmm...
Bart spent the first week in October in eastern Wyoming, visiting his friend Jeff Tosh and family. He redid their kitchen but most importantly, fit in time to hunt. He is mighty proud of the deer he took down in less than an hour of hunting.
Bart with Jeff: Thank you Jeff, for showing Bart a great time! Bart and the kids had a fun time chopping up the meat upon his return.
"Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." Acts 2:38
When MerriLyn was born, eight years ago, I knew there was a good chance she could be born on her Grandpa Brown's birthday. Well, she was born September 21, six days before his birthday. But it just so happened that this year her baptism fell on Grandpa Brown's birthday, September 27th. It made for a wonderful day full of family and good decisions. Thank you to the family that traveled to be with us on her special day. I think that the following poem fits the occasion perfectly.
SUCCESS What is success? To laugh often and much; To win respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; This is to have succeeded. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Dad with MerriLyn as a baby. What is success? Following the example of my father, B.W.B.
Here is a copy of her baptism program:
Baptism of MerriLyn Smithson
September 27, 2008
3:00 pm Lovelake Chapel
Taylor, AZ
Conducting: Taylor 4th Ward Bishopric- Brother Owens